Sunday, February 07, 2010


While watching 3 idiots , I realized something about movies, sometimes the most boringly predictable movies are the ones you really like. In the blue corner you might take movies like Sixth Sense, Memento or Seven. The movies that you must see at least twice. Because the first time, the twist catches you unawares and you have to go back and see the movie with that fresh bit of information. In the red corner you have movies like 3 idiots, Avatar, The Munna Bhai series, The Pixar series where a few minutes into the movie and you already know the major plot points and how its going to end. And you like the movies anyway. And you watch them again because you remember the good times. What then makes a movie a complete package? A good story? A good twist? Good actors? Humor? Action? A combination of the above? Anything , everything? I'm not including critics choices, because they seem to have tastes that are alien to the rest of us(dark depressing movies always seem to do well, as do any movies that deal with the holocaust) or they have expectations that, well, defy expectations. Do you go into a Transformers movie expecting excellent performances and believable plot lines? but evidently the critic does. Sometimes an incredibly complex sophisticated movie does well, and sometimes a popcorn dumbed down crowd pleaser. You might say the audience is fickle but then I'm only dealing with my tastes, I like both the crowd pleaser and the complex movie. The fast paced action flick as much as the slow burn art movie. I like a comedy as much as I like a human interest story. I like good acting as much as watching Captain Kirk ham it up.
Perhaps the journey is more important than the destination which is why the twist or lack of it doesn't make a difference.

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