Sunday, April 17, 2005


The Home Minister of Maharashtra , RR Patil has decided to ban dance bars. The reason Dance Bar corrupt the youth and hence are a evil influence on society. My mother evidently agrees , also stating that 95% of the girls are illegal Bangladeshis. The Midday Newspaper which is trying desparately to ape The Sun style of newspapers runs headline after headline stating how x people will lose thier jobs , how the people are hardworking etc. etc. and so forth. An article in The Times (Westside plus) also takes umbrage at the politicians stating that most of them cant differentiate their elbows from their arse. I would have used face instead of elbow.
There is so much to comment on this sorry circus, but now i dont have the stomach for it so i'll summarize
My own views have always been , let the people choose whatever it is they want to do. If they want to spend their time visiting dance bars let them. if the women feel their only way of livelihood is dancing somewhere , let them.

But here's the problem , we Indians have chosen Democracy as our chosen form of governance. We have elected this government and thats it. We cant do anything about its policies. The best we can hope for is 5 years down the line we'll kick these guys out and replace them with the saffron brigade who will decide what we can wear and what festivals we should celebrate. And after 5 more years we will be back to this same government.
Ideally ofcourse the best form of governance is anarchy. But we have been so conditioned that if you think of a synonym for anarchy chances are you will come up with chaos. Anarchy is the absence of leaders (good ones or bad ones). People take responsibility for their actions. Our leaders will have you believe that this will lead to Chaos and Might is Right. Well then we will be no worse of than we are now.
Oh yes , Im all in favor of the theory that the single biggest corrupt influence on everyone not just the youth are our Politicians. And that we ban the whole lot.

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