Sunday, March 06, 2005


As expected the movie Sins has caused controversy(disclaimer i havent seen the movie) with a section of the catholic community protesting the depiction of a preist having an affair with a woman and a subsequent abortion
It has given rise to comments such as "what will school children think of their principals now" , "all my years as an educationist have gone to the dogs"
Ironically there are also statements such as "in these intolerant times showing movies such as these will only increase hatred towards missionaries"
So here goes ,( i was born into a south indian hindu family schooled in a jesuit school and currently dislike all religion)
I wonder what exactly the nun was teaching if a movie can make all her education go to the dogs
In these intolerant times it is necessary that the normal person be as tolerant as possible.
I think no less of my school principal , whichever movie hollywood/bollywood makes and will make(Yes Father Joe /Father Edmund /Father Aran i will always have respect for you though we may choose irreverent nicknames for you like eddy - monty).
And if you really think this movie does you harm , just go look at the number of priest accused and convicted amidst allegations of molestation

Perhaps one of the good thing hinduism as it was practised before(my memory is hazy and this may be a case of seeing the past with rose tinted glasses) did not need its people to affirm it. Christianity and Islam came and all Hinduism said was bring it on and it survived. That is off course no longer the case. The practisers of hinduism these days believe that they must shout its virtues from the rooftops and feel obliged to respond to provocations in kind and sometimes be the chief provokers themselves.

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