Saturday, March 26, 2005


Its when you see movies like Shwaas, you wonder about all the things that movies can be and all the things that they are and the vast gulf between the two.
Shwaas has a simplistic storyline , designed to be a tear jerker. A boy needs an eye operation which will cause him to be blind for the rest of his life. The movie shows how this incident will affect everyone else around him , especially his GrandFather.
Its wonderful this affinity that grandchildren seem to have for their grandparents. And we'd know this even if the two characters werent being played by excellent characters.
The Helplessness of the Grandfather , his inability to tell his grand child what a life of blindness would mean to him , preferring to pass this burden to the doctor and a medical social worker(perhaps the only unrealistic character) and his final redemption in taking the child out for one last time, to show him whatever he has not seen is wonderfully portrayed.
It ends with hope. The boy is blind but he still laughs and claps.
It is said that Shwaas is based on a true story. If so i hope that the kid has achieved whatever he wanted to , blindness or no blindness

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