Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bits and Pieces

via cricinfo regarding the IPL

Amar from India faces a conundrum. "My dad (an army officer) is from Rajasthan, my
mother is from punjab. I was born in Hyderabad, grew up in Chennai and Bangalore. Went to college in Kolkota and work in Mumbai.
Who do i support? Delhi?"

which summarises both the diversity and the love of cricket in India.

Watched Star Trek, loved seeing Nimoy even in his two bit role and wished that Kirk and McCoy could have both made cameos, except that McCoy has passed away. Didnt like Sylar's portrayal of Spock even though he looked like the spitting image of Spock, he played the role with too much arrogance and contempt. Whereas Spock was only logical. Spock had both impassivity and the hint of amusement in his eyes when he wished to display arrogance. Ah well maybe this is the start and Sylar intended to play Spock this well , and we will see the journey of Spock becoming Spock.
Chris Pine has none of the charm and the swashbuckling looks that Shatner had, nor does he ham as badly as Shatner, but what the heck i miss shatner hamming it too. And yeah Bones is sorely missed. But I still liked the movie as a start and I hope the next one is better, which reminds me , its time to put a hold on the wrath of khan!.

A lot of talk about Miss California having the right to her opinion. Ofcourse she does and ofcourse we have the right to laugh at her stupidity and judge her it. Wanton ignorance combined with prejudice , ah well, nature compensates.

And the Congress wins in India , hopefully will have some young uncorrupt folks who will do some good. One can hope

And more examples against a personal God, but the tragedy is not mine , so I will not mention it here. Suffice to say I wish all the remaining happiness in the world to a dear friend of mine, and I hope it doesnt happen to anyone else in this world.

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